Friday, December 21

Take it Further Challenge

In order to challenge myself and not wallow too deep into procrastination (which has been a good friend in the last few years but needs to find another shoulder to sit on) I have joined the Take it Further Challenge.

Sharon B of In a Minute Ago, came up with this one and each month she will post a key concept. Our challenge is to take the idea , develop it and push it towards a resolved design during that month.. She will make it even easier on us by posting a colour scheme as a 2nd option should we not want to complete the design concept. An even cooler thing is I can work in any medium I choose as long as I make one project per month. So for all those other techniques I wanted to goes!

I really think I'm gonna enjoy this. It fits in with my working small concept but will also challenge me to think on the spot towards a finished project and get me working more on art in my studio. Much like the Houston journal project that I couldn't commit to at the time, I get to work intuitively in a fairly quick time frame which I'm not used to but need to train myself to do.

The Take it Further Challenge (TIFC) begins in January '08. Please visit again each month to see my progress as I have committed to posting my projects each month. Also check out the TIFC blog in my sidebar to see the other 277 artists (can you believe that's how many signed up?) who decided to challenge themselves.

BTW, check out the Santa's new elves. Just click on the link below. Enjoy!

See ya next time "In the Hayloft",


Jane said...

Hi Grace, I am checking some of the TIF Challenge sites tonight. I'm with you about taking care of procrastining and this will be great fun on a monthly basis. I put a feed to you and your blog and will look back often. Happy Holidays, Jane

grace said...

Thanks Jane. Hope your holidays were a joyful of fun as well.

Jane Carlstrom said...

Hi Grace, Yep, your words resonated with me too. Like Jane, I'm making some blog rounds getting to know participants in Sharon Bs TIFC, looking forward to giving it a try. Another Jane