Friday, June 27

Busy but Still Smiling

I've been real busy caught in "catch-up" work and didn't realize until yesterday that I did not post this past Monday. What horror!

Naughty, naughty.

Anyway, to make you smile today I found this blog (excuse the title please) that had me taking some time to chuckle. Hope you do too.

Here is "where's Matt?" .....

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

Isn't it funny how everybody really gets into it?

See ya next time "In the Hayloft",


Timaree said...

Behind on things? That's how I am feeling too. I've had my son and his girlfriend visit and when they left so did I to go visit my sister where my brother is stopping on his way home to Hawaii (he'd been visiting with his son in New York who'd just come home after his 4th tour in Iraq). No one seems to understand I need some time for blogging and needlework so I am feeling a bit ragged around the edges.

Thanks so much for letting me know my blog had been mentioned on Sharon's blog. I am currently trying to do her encrusted crazy quilting class but hadn't looked at her blog for several days so I didn't know.

Lindi said...

Thanks for sharing the clip. Brought joy to my heart on this cold dreary winter day.
I enjoyed viewing your blog. Thanks for sharing your work, too.

Anonymous said...

I was reading the TIF July blog and visited yours, i stumbled upon this clip. Thank you for sharing, makes us smile....;-)

grace said...

Ladies, you are all most welcome. I know sometimes we all need to smile once in a while just to forget life's issues for one (or 2 or 10) moments.