Sunday, November 11

My First Ribbon!

Look, look, I won a ribbon!

 1st place ribbon
One of the guilds I belong to is the Lake Norman Quilter's and we had our first show last Saturday. We are a group of about 44 members and we worked our butts off to put on the best show we could muster. We had very good feedback from attendees who loved the variety of quilts (about 224 at last count) we had on display.

And lo and behold. I won a first place ribbon for one of my quilts "ColourBlocks" (which is also a pattern). Yippee!!!!!!! This is only the second show I have ever entered and I am tickled pink to get my first ribbon! I also won a 3rd place ribbon for my quilt "Bluberries and Mint Parfait".

3rd place ribbonNot bad for a newbie huh?

See ya next time "In the Hayloft",

1 comment:

Frieda Anderson said...

Congratulations!! It feels so good.