Sunday, August 3

Question for You

I try to post a reply to all my comments (a big hunkin thank you to all of you who leave a comment) but don't know if you receive my reply post as an email.

If you don't, does anyone know how to make it happen in Blogger? or Wordpress?

The reason I ask about Wordpress is I'm actually thinking seriously about switching over to them. My art group blog, FAB (a wonderful bunch of ladies if I say so myself) is there and everytime I go to use it I find it a more managable thing to use. I like the format, ease of use and the fact that your photos are stored rather that have them floating in space with access only thru the posts.

I know some of you use Typepad (a pay-for-use service), how is that workin for ya? Inquiring minds want to know.

Oh...and hear's a peak at one of the fabs I dyed before the family invasion. Just got around to ironing and photographing them. I'm calling this one "Scrumptious Mud Pie". Wanna take a bite????

See ya next time "In the Hayloft",


Jules said...

I only see that you replied to my comment by going to your comment box again.

However, I think if *I* would click the button follow-up comments to my email, then I'd get your reply in my inbox. I will do that this time. :)

I think you could email me directly but that is a few clicks... my name, my profile, my email. Sounds like a hassle to me!! ;)

I've heard good things about typepad. Keep us posted! :)

Sorta dread the thought of moving my blog. Maybe some dreary day in November. LOL!

Karoda said...

I love my typepad blog but I selected it over blogger back in the early days of blogger which then I found difficult to manuever. I have 2 other blogs on wordpress which I seldom update but really don't sweat over it because it is free. At the basic level with typepad I cannot customize my heading...I did upgrade but then thought the better of it as the extra money was not worth it so I downgraded back to basic and am happy to use their templates.

grace said...

Joyce, wouldn't it be nice to have someone do all the "dirty" work for us? But alas...I suspect neither you nor I are in the rich and famous set..........yet!
Hee hee.

Timaree said...

I think I need to start clicking on the box mentioned above. I also need to add your blog to My Yahoo instead of depending on Feed Blitz. I've missed two posts here. They notified me on the third one and I almost missed seeing this beautiful fabric.

I am working on a project with the piece I won here on your blog. I'll let you know and see when I am done.

Timaree said...

Forgot to check the box!!