Tuesday, March 18

Tag! I'm It!

My good friend Susan Knapp has tagged little ole me. Susan produces wonderful quilted artwork and applique pieces and is a prolific pattern designer....and, most importantly, a great friend.

When you get tagged you are to post 7 things about yourself that others might not know and tag 7 other bloggers. Being tagged is cool and weird at the same time cause you really have to go to the recesses of the brain to come up with things to list. But it'a also a wonderful way to let the light shine on other great artists out there in bloggerland.

7 things that you may not know about me:

I. My first name is actually Karen (Grace is my middle name) and I was named after Princess Grace of Monaco, whom my father absolutely adored. My mother filled out my birth certificate but....my father first registered me in school, it's been Grace ever since. Don't call me Karen cause I probably won't respond. Isn't she absolutely beautiful?
II. I once attended the Barbizon School of Modeling in the early 80's way back when I lived in New York City (there will be no laughing at this reveal...okay, a teeny tiny giggle is permitted).

III. I am so in love with words that when I was younger I used to keep a vocabulary book handy so I could write down all the words I came upon and their definitions (can you say geek?). It's followed me into adulthood, the top thing on my Christmas list in 2007 was a GOOD Oxford dictionary....and I got it! Now isn't that beautiful!!!!!

IV. I still love to watch Eastenders, that long standing English soap opera that comes on every Sunday night.

V. I now have a new addiction.........Scooby Doo snacks!!! Cinnamon only! Everyone needs to try them at least once. I keep a box in my studio for powerful energy bursts. Well....not really, I just love to munch on them. I even got Susan hooked on them (hee hee). Scooby Dooby Dooooooooo!

VI. According to traditional Chinese lore I was born in the year of the tiger (growl) and my Heavenly Element is water. I am Yang (as opposed to yin). The Chinese believed in five elements--metal, wood, fire, water, and earth. I am metal, gold (although I much prefer silver)and am represented by the planet Venus.

and number 7....

VII. I have never been to the beach in North Carolina although I have lived here for 16 yrs. l Not intentionaly mind you. Just never got there....I'd much rather take a trip to the mountains instead and look at the trees.
So there you have it, a little more about me. I now have to tag 7 others..... I think I'll do that tomorrow.
See ya next time "In the Hayloft",

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